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Statutory Information

Below are quick links to a range of key statutory documents relating to the college's performance and other important aspects which parents/carers and other stakeholders may find useful.

Statutory Information Links to Information

College contact details: Name of college, postal address and telephone number, name of the member of staff who deals with queries, name of the principal as well as name and contact details of the chair of the governing body

Contact Us page

People page

Admissions Arrangements: open days and process for applying Sixth Form Admissions page
Link to OFSTED Inspection Dashboard Dashboard

The college's most recent Exam Results: Attainment, Retention and Destinations

Exam and Assessment Results page
Link to college's Performance Tables
College Curriculum: 16 to 19 study programme requirements

Curriculum page

Behaviour Policy Policies page
Public Sector Equality Duty: the school's Equality Objectives. Policies page

SEN Information Report

Full SEN policy can be found on our policies page

SEN Information Report

Policies page

Careers programme information Careers page
Sixth Form Complaints Policy Policies page
Apprenticeship Programme Complaints Policy Policies page
Whistleblowing Policy Policies page
Governance Information Governance page
The structure and remit of the members, board of trustees, its committees and LGBs, and the names of the chair of each as well as the register of interests.  Governance page
2024 - 2025 College Accountability Agreement

Executive Pay information: Employees with a gross annual salary and benefits of £100,000 or more

Salary and benefits (salary, NI and pension): £110,000-120,000

No of employees: 1

College's Values and ethos About Us page
Request a paper copy of the information on website Contact Us page