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The Corporation

The Ada, National College for Digital Skills Corporation is an exempt charity formed under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992. The College was incorporated on 8th August 2016...

The Instrument and Articles (I&A) of Governance set down the powers, membership, roles and responsibilities of the Corporation.

The Corporation’s Board is accountable for the use of public funds and has a duty of care for the assets of the College. The role of its members is similar to that of non-executive directors or trustees. This body is advised by a clerk who is employed directly by the Corporation and who has access to independent professional advice.

The Board’s composition is drawn from businesses, the community, students and staff. View the list of the members and their personal profiles.

The Board meets at least five times a year. A number of committees have been established to undertake more detailed work. These are: Education, Audit, Remuneration, Finance & Resources and Board Membership Committees.

Public benefit

In setting and reviewing the College’s strategic objectives, the Governing Body has had due regard for the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit. In delivering its mission, the College provides the following identifiable public benefits through the advancement of education:

  • Delivery of outstanding teaching, learning and assessment
  • Provision of a broad and enriching programme of learning opportunities focussed on helping students acquire essential work experience and employability skills, particularly in the digital sector
  • Embracing of the diversity and achievement of every individual to ensure that they are valued and respected

Please click here for current Board and Sub-Committee structure for 2024-2025.


Full Corporation meetings take place at least 5 times per year. Committee meetings take place each term and have designated members. In the interests of openness and accountability, public copies of Corporation and committee minutes are available below. However, the Corporation may, on occasions, exclude some or all of the minutes of a meeting – this may include minutes relating to a named person or any matter which by reason of its nature the Corporation is satisfied should be dealt with on a confidential basis.



The Corporation has developed a Committee Structure of 5 Committees - 2 of which are statutory: Audit and Board Membership (formerly Search). Governors cannot be members of both the Audit and Finance & Resources Committees. Each committee has Terms of Reference (ToR) which are reviewed and agreed annually by the Corporation. Each Committee meets regularly, mostly on a termly basis, concentrating on various aspects of the College and these are:

  • AUDIT is concerned with the adequacy and effectiveness of the College’s systems of internal control and risk management.  Audit ToR
  • BOARD MEMBERSHIP  relates to recruitment to the Corporation.   Board Membership ToR 
  • EDUCATION reviews and contributes towards the College’s strategic and operational plans. Education ToR
  • FINANCE & RESOURCES deals with the College’s compliance to financial requirements and oversees issues relating to College staff.  Finance & Resources ToR
  • REMUNERATION deals with the appraisal and remuneration of senior post holders.  Remuneration ToR

NB Minutes from the Board Membership and Remuneration committees are confidential.

Board of Governors

Get to know our board members