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Hire an Apprentice

Digital apprenticeships are a fast-track way to fill your junior talent pipeline and close the tech talent skills gap. Diversify your team with ambitious individuals who are passionate about what you do. Collaborate with us and hire and retain quality team members.


Get ahead of competitors and find the most passionate individuals around as they set their sights on a career in digital. Ada can help you find and recruit apprentices who will benefit your organisation. Our Sixth Form serves as a natural pipeline of diverse, talented candidates who are passionate about tech and excited about apprenticeships  plus we have a large pool of additional candidates we find through our extensive outreach programmes.

We can help you pick the candidate who is right for you through helping you design your application and assessment process, advertising your opportunities to our list of candidates, and helping sift and shortlist applicants. We work with you to ensure both you and the apprentice get the right level of support throughout programme from recruitment to graduation. 


Almost 9 out of every 10 apprenticeship employers found that apprenticeships deliver the business benefits they had hoped. Ada reviews our programme regularly so that we can move as quickly as the tech sector does; with our work-ready curriculum, designed and delivered in collaboration with industry leaders (such as Deloitte, IBM, Salesforce), you can be assured that our tailored programme will strengthen your team with diverse and ambitious individuals.

We offer three digital pathways at Level 4 and Level 6 and our unique model means that our curriculum can flex to make sure we are answering your business's needs. Get in touch to discuss our programmes and how they can work for you. 


With apprentices being twice as likely as graduates to stay with a company, apprenticeships are great long term resource investment. Additionally, if your business pays the Apprenticeship Levy Ada's apprenticeship training costs falls completely within the Levy funding bands so there are no additional fees beyond this.

If your business doesn't pay the Apprenticeship Levy, you can still access training! We have a number of generous partners who have donated their Levy funds for other businesses to use for training at Ada. Get in touch if you're interested in hearing more about the Levy Transfer programme. 

Get in touch to discuss your talent needs and how Ada can help. 

  • “Technology innovation is key to driving transformation within business, but the need for technical talent is not yet met by the number of qualified people entering the workforce. We are therefore very proud to be a founding supporter of Ada College. ”

     ~ Andrew Butcher EMEA Head of Technology and Operations, Bank of America

  • “Understand well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal fraction of all I want to understand.”

     ~ Ada Lovelace

  • “We believe the provision of high-quality teaching, practical experience and careers advice are all vital to student success. As a founding partner, we are excited to involve our staff in supporting students, providing them with industry know-how, experience and advice to help them achieve their ambitious goals. ”

     ~ Kevin Walsh Global Managing Partner, Technology Consulting, Deloitte